The OHTSL welcomes you to the travel season! Below you will find important information for the upcoming season.
- OHTSL Website Password - if you don't have or can't remember your OHTSL password please access the login page and select "Forgot Login/Password" using the email address that was entered by your community rep when you were added as a coach.
- Score Reporting - game scores must be entered within 24 hours of game by both teams. To enter socre login to the website and access: League->Enter Score. Your game schedule should display, click "edit" and enter the home and visitor score and then click "save".
- Community Contacts - ensure your community contacts are updated for the current season
- Field Locations - ensure your fields are setup and active
- Community Maintenance Instructions
- Field Insurance - Certificate of Insurance (2024-2025 season comming soon). However, a new form is now required prior to the Certificate of Insurance will be issued: Organization Member Certification
- Fees: 11 & younger = $16.25 for one-year fall to spring
- Fees: 12 & older = $18.25 for one-year fall to spring
- Fees: Staff = $10 for one-year fall to spring
Game/Game Scheduling Information:
- Game Rescheduling Limits: OHTSL will allow each team to submit up to 3 game change requests per season. All requests must be received no later than 5 days prior to the original game, if not then no game change and forfeit fee of referee and ref assignor fees will be applied.
- Game Rescheduling 5 Days: reschedule requests approved by both community reps must be submitted to OHTSL via the game change system no less than 6PM 5-day prior to the original game date.
- Make-up Game Scheduling: requests approved by both community reps must be submitted to OHTSL via the game change system no less than 5 day prior to the new game date.
- Game Cancellations: any games that are unable to be played or rescheduled within the 5-day deadline will result in a forfeit fee of referee & ref assignor fee will be billed to cancelling community and game score recording of 0-5 loss for cancelling community.
- Game Score Reporting: both team coaches/managers must enter game scores within 24 hours of the game at League->Enter Score. Game sccore entering will be locked down 72 hours post game.
Travel Team Declarations:
- Team Declaration Instructions
- All teams must be declared by 3/02/25
- Fees = $110 per team
- Payment mailed to: OHTSL PO Box 39398 Solon, OH 44139
- Birth Year Chart
- Max Game Rosters: 7v7 = 14, 9v9 = 16, 11v11 = 18
Fall 2024 Policy/Procedure Updates
- Bracketing Motion = effective the fall of 2024, any community with multiple teams exceeded the OHTSL max size roster in the same age bracket must play in consecutive divisions (ie. no D1 & D3 teams, must be D1 & D2 or D2 & D3 if the roster exceeds the roster max and has player or players that are rostered on both teams roster).
- Guest Player = effective the fall of 2024, no player is permitted to guest play lower than 2 divisions below their highest rostered division within the players age bracket (ie. if a player is rostered D1 they may not play in D4 or lower). The penalty if a player is caught playing more than 2 divisions lower is forfeit of the game & 4 game suspension for every coach registered to the team.
- Out of Community = effective the fall of 2024, removal of the exception regarding communities who do not have age appropriate teams. All out of community players will count in the 3 player limit. Any team found out of compliance with the three player rule will not be eligible for trophy reimbursement.
A new policy has been established to prevent players from transferring community programs during the spring and fall season after teams have been declared with OHTSL.
- Players will not be permitted to transfer from one community program to another unless the request is submitted between 11/1-3/01 and the request does not put the community out of compliance with the 3 out of community player per team limit.
- Please keep in mind that communities must identify if a new spring player has played for another OHTSL community program in the fall. If the answer is yes, the communities will need to make a request with the fall community to release the player card no later than 3/1.
- Exceptions #1 - If a player moves out of their fall community area into a new OHTSL community area
- Exception #2 - If both communities agree after the 3/1 deadline
- Exception #3 - OHTSL board approval (parents/communities can appeal to the board for approval)
Team Check-In Policy
Performs Check-In: any team appointed adult (coach, manager, etc)
Requied Documents for Team Players: paper copy of the offical US Club Soccer team roster with a current photo (within last 2 years) for all players & all coaches. Digital roster on a phone is not accepted.
Required Documents for Guest Players (player from same community but not listed on the teams offical roster): digital or paper copy of players team offical US Club roster or players US Club passcard
- Review required documents
- Ensure guest player limitations (gameday policy/procedures)
- Ensure only 3 coaches
- Ensure min/max players (gameday policy/procedures)
- 10-15 prior to game teams swap rosters and opposing team call off players
- If team has eligible guest players review documents
- Referee will verify player shin guards/jewelry/shoes/etc.
- Note: late players need to check-in with opposing team prior to participating in game play
- Teams without the physical official US Club Soccer roster will forfeit (0-5) loss. If the game is still played as a "scrimmage" the referee may not be held liable due to inablity to verify players eligiblity.
- Guest players without required documentation will not be permitted to play
- Any coach using an ineligible player will be subject to a 4 game to 1-year suspension.
Noncompliance Reporting:
- Google Form - must be filled out within 24hrs of game
Congratulations to the the following on their being selected as the 2024 OHTSL Scholarship recipients. Each student has been awarded a $1,000 scholarship!
- Elisa Papp - Bay Village
- Corinne Casenhiser - Stow
- Dakota Schaum - Willoughby
- Khalil McDonald - Independence
- Charlie Roberto - East Side Kickers
- Erich Malek - Fairview Park
The OHTSL and US Club are pleased to announce that the OHTSL will now be able to register Community Recreation Programs through US Club. For detailed information on the process please visit: US Club Soccer Sanction Your League
The Ohio Travel Soccer League's (OHTSL) 4th Leadership Council, led by OHTSL Director of Coaching Marcie Schwartz.
This group was created to allow 20 rising 7th and 8th graders (boys and girls) an opportunity to enhance their leadership skills and abilities both within sport and life. Throughout the sessions we will be discussing different leadership styles, who is your audience and how can you accommodate their learning styles, how can you grow as a leader, what challenges might be faced in leadership as well as many other topics.
If you would like to learn more and are please vistit: Player Leadership Council - applicaton deadline is 8/1/25.
Sunday Meeting Dates (attendance is mandatory):
- 8/24/25 Webinar 8:30PM-9:30PM
- 9/21/25 Webinar 8:30PM-9:30PM
- 10/19/25 Webinar 8:30PM-9:30PM
- 11/16/25 Webinar 8:30PM-9:30PM
- 1/18/26 Webinar 8:30PM-9:30PM
- 2/15/26 Webinar 8:30PM-9:30PM
- 3/15/26 Webinar 8:30PM-9:30PM
- 4/19/26 Graduation Dinner 6PM @ TBD
The Ohio Travel Soccer League (OHTSL) is excited to launch it's first ever OHTSL Coaches Leadership Council led by OHTSL Director of Coaching Marcie Schwartz.
This group is being created to allow 20 coaches to expand their leadership skills, enhance team management and grow player development competencies.
If you would like to learn more and are please vistit: Coaching Leadership Council - applicaton deadline is 8/1/25.
Sunday Meeting Dates (attendance is mandatory):
- 8/31/25 Webinar 8:30PM-10:00PM
- 9/28/25 Webinar 8:30PM-10:00PN
- 10/26/25 Webinar 8:30PM-10:00PM
- 11/23/25 Webinar 8:30PM-10:00PM
- 1/25/26 Webinar 8:30PM-10:00PM
- 2/22/26 Webinar 8:30PM-10:00PM
- 3/22/26 Webinar 8:30PM-10:00PM
- 4/26/26 Graduation Dinner 6PM @ TBD
The home team pays the referee before the game, please place ref payment in an envelope. Please be aware referee fees have incresased for the fall 20023 by $5 per ref & $10 for the 1-man 11v11.
- 7v7 (U09-U10) = $40
- 9v9 (U11-U12 & U13-U15 9v9) = $45
- 11v11 (U13-U15) 1 ref = $60
- 11v11 (U13-U15) 2 ref = CR $50, AR1 $30
- 11v11 (U13-U15) 3 ref = CR $50, AR1 $30, AR2 $30
- D1-D2 11v11 games are required to utilize a 3-man referee system
- D3-D5 11v11 it is the home community discretion on utilizing a 1-man or 3-man referee system
- If a game is cancelled due to weather less than 24 hours prior to the game date/time AND the home community ref assignor is not notified by phone, the home community will be billed for the full referee fee. Communities must notify the league of any weather related cancellations so the game can be postponed and rescheduled using the game change system
Coaching Information & Education
For information on coaching eduction please visit:
- Upcoming US Soccer Licensing Courses
- Coaching Lesson Plans
- OHTSL Reimbusement for Coaching Education
Coaches Connection:
- Kenston is looking to hire trainers
- Medina is looking for coach to lead 2014 team, experience preferred but not necessary, room for growth in role possible (paid position)
- Revere SC (Richfield OH) is looking for experienced and inexperienced, dependable coaches (paid positions)
- Shaker is looking for experienced coaches to add to their staff
Social Media
Visit OHTSL on Facebook
Referee Licensing
Ohio North is in great need of referees, please visit: ohnrefs.org for information on upcoming referee courses.
Billing Information
Please send declaration/forfeit fee to:
- Ohio Travel Soccer League
- PO Box 39398
- Solon, OH 44139